Niederösterreicherin, photographed by Pauline Darley, November 2018

Niederösterreicherin, photographed by Pauline Darley, November 2018

4see Magazin, photographed by Andreas Waldschütz, September 18

Vogue Italia 2018

„Susanne Wuest has been a name you can trust for quite some time now. The popular actress has had an eclectic career, including some fantastic genre work in the horror/thriller Goodnight Mommy and The Cure for Wellness.“ – Jason Palmer, Entertainment Focus

die dame, photographed by David Carette, April 2018

die dame, photographed by David Carette, April 2018

Schaufenster, photographed by Yannick Schütte, Dec 2017

Maxima Magazine, photographed by Joachim Baldauf, Nov 2017

German Vogue, Nov 2017, photographed by Charlie De Keersmaecker

German Vogue, photographed by Charlie De Keersmaecker Nov 2017
„…wenn dann auch noch Ausnahme-Schauspielerinnen wie Susanne Wuest, Katharina Lorenz und Barbara Auer minutenlang miteinander in den tiefsten Seelenabgründen wühlen – das ist nicht immer einfach anzuschauen, aber es ist zweifellos kraftvolles, kreatives Fernsehen..“ (Frankfurter Rundschau)

Belladonna Magazine, photographed by Chris Singer, Aug 2017

Susanne Wuest by Sabine Cattaneo for the 70th Locarno Film Festival, 2017

Quality Magazine, photographed by Kerstin Jacobsen June 2017

Empire Magazine

Vogue Germany, photo by Giampaolo Sgura, Feb 2017

Entertainment Focus

Interview Magazine, photographed by Sharif Hamza, March 2016

The Evening Standard, photo by Matt Writtle
If Leonardo DiCaprio is winning plaudits for the endurance test that was shooting The Revenant, then someone at the Academy should probably take note of Wuest’s experience on set. (The Evening Standard, UK)

Interview Magazine Germany, photography by Sharif Hamza, March 2016

Susanne Wuest by Julia Malysch for Vogue
„…for its excellent performances – particularly that of Susanne Wuest, who for much of the film must convey so much with so little.“ Jury statement, 25th Int Film festival of Ljubljana

Susanne Wuest by Bert Spangemacher for GQ US

Seitenblicke Mag, photo by Rafaela Proell
„Wuest impressively embodies a real-world variation on the fairy-tale wicked stepmother.” (Fangoria.com, US)

ZEIT MAGAZIN - Ich habe einen Traum
„Susanne Wuest’s ‚Mother‘ is competing with major Disney villains.“ Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany

Variety, photo by Alexander Tuma
„The ace in the hole is Susanne Wuest as the bitter, exasperated, imperious „Mother“. The actress has to work for wide parts of the film with her voice and eyes only and manages to convey anger, exhaustion and emotional distance to her children masterly, regardless of this limitation.“ Quotenmeter, Germany

Seitenblicke Magazine, Dec 2014
“A few minutes with Susanne Wuest in a forest are among the grandest moments in cinema I can ever remember.” Cargo and Der Standard, Austria

der Standard - RONDO, Jan 2015 by Joachim Baldauf
Ein paar Minuten mit Susanne Wuest im Wald zählen zu den für mich größten Momenten, an die ich mich im Kino überhaupt erinnern kann. (Cargo, Bert Rebhandl)

"Die Presse" photo by Christine Ebenthal for Schaufenster
„In this chillingly cold, intimate play Susanne Wuest as the mother and Lukas and Elias Schwarz as her twin sons deliver brilliant performances as a dysfunctional family. The film’s merciless impact is granted through these performances.” Giga, Germany

Blind Magazine by Pauline Darley
Actrice autrichienne confirmée, Susanne Wuest séduit par sa personnalité attachante et par sa sensibilité artistique. (Blind Mag, France)

DiePresse, photo by Christine Ebenthal
Acting is convincing throughout (Variety)

4See Magazine, photo by Bert Spangemacher
„Scary, sexy, sad, witty, warm and very well acted“ („Antares“, Time Out)

500 Very Special Hotels by Andreas H. Bitesnich
Mit solchen Entdeckungen wird Locarno zum neuen Jugendcamp des internationalen Films (Rüdiger Suchsland, Echo)

der Standard - Rondo, Dezember 2011 by Mark Glassner
Susanne Wuest sieht nicht nur aus wie die Tochter von Kaurismäkis Diva Kati Outinen, sie kann auch genauso eindrucksvoll einfach nur gucken wie die Finnin. (Die Welt)

Susanne Wuest by Chris Singer for Madonna
Man kann sich Susanne Wuest gut als jüngere Schwester von Tilda Swinton vorstellen: Ähnlich wie diese scheint sie keine Berührungsängste zu kennen, vielmehr den Mut zu haben, sich immer neuen, manchmal schwierigen, zumindest schwer zu berechnenden Aufgaben zu stellen. Was dabei heraus kommt, ist in jedem Fall ungewöhnlich und fordernd. (filmdienst.de)

die Presse - Ein Portrait
“La Lisière” è un film decisamente morboso, che fa della morbosità la propria cifra stilistica e poetica. (…) C’è Cronenberg, Buñuel, Lynch, e Bresson ma c’è soprattutto la presenza di un’autrice alla sua opera prima che convince ed incanta. (Alessio Galbiati, RC)

Flair Magazine, photo by Peter Garmusch