Goodnight Mommy / Ich seh Ich seh

4. Juni 2018


Susanne is excited to join Amazon’s LORE for Season 2!

Susanne is set for a role on the upcoming second season of Amazon’s horror anthology series Lore, directed by Christoph Schrewe. Read full article here…

21. Oktober 2016

A Cure For Wellness gets a trailer…!

A first trailer for „A Cure For Wellness“ is out!

„A Cure For Wellness“ (directed by Gore Verbinksi, starring Dane DeHaan, Mia Goth and Jason Isaacs) is out and it look amazing! Filmstart is 23.02.2017 – enjoy!


(mehr …)

26. Februar 2016

Double Your Dosage – Skype Interview / Goodnight Mommy

Let me begin by saying that I killed myself to make sure this video is spoiler free. You deserve to enjoy Goodnight Mommy’s suspense in its purest form. Because it is SO GOOD. It’s hands down one of the best horror movies I’ve seen this year.

I talked to actress Susanne Wuest over Skype about the psycho-sexual relationship between mother and son, filming in an abandoned Austrian village and playing one weird mommy

by Alexondra Soraya

24. November 2014

Goodnight Mommy wins again!!

„Ich seh Ich seh“ gewinnt in Ljubljana!!

„Goodnight Mommy“ wins in Ljubljana!! (mehr …)

5. Oktober 2013

Mann im Spagat

Ich seh/Ich seh ist abgedreht! Als nächstes wird Susanne für Timo Jacob’s großartige Kinokomödie ‚Mann im Spagat‚ vor der Kamera stehen.

It’s a wrap for I see/I see ! Next, Susanne will be shooting for Timo Jacob’s feature comedy ‚Pace, Cowboy, Pace‚.

(mehr …)

30. Juni 2013

Ich seh / Ich seh

Susanne dreht derzeit den Kinofilm ‚Ich seh / Ich seh‘.

Susanne is currently shooting the feature ‚Ich seh / Ich seh‘. (mehr …)