8. Januar 2020

18% Grey – Release

Happy New Year!! 2020 starts with the release of „18% Grey“!

The Bulgarian/German arthouse feature directed by Viktor Chouchkov will celebrate it’s premiere in Sofia January 21st and will be released in theaters Jan 24th!  (mehr …)

13. September 2019

Vienna Awards 2019

Susanne is extremely proud to be this year’s face of the VIENNA AWARDS, photographed by renowned Inge Prader. In it’s 10th year, it’s motto „Fight Gray“ stands for fighting racism and discrimination. Not standing up against it and ’showing color‘ equals complicity. Artists who have been won for previous years include Emma Heming-Willis and Jerry Hall.

The gala will take place 6/11/19 in Vienna, Austria.  www.viennaawards.at

9. September 2019


Susanne is currently filming German feature „Gefangen“ (directed by Elke Hauck) in Belgrade. (mehr …)

4. August 2019

Deadline – Stanleyville

EXCLUSIVE: Actor Maxwell McCabe-Lokos (Lars and the Real Girl, Lionsgate’s upcoming Chaos Walking) will make his directorial debut with the forthcoming dark comedy Stanleyville. The pic unveiled its cast that includes Susanne Wuest(Goodnight Mommy, Perfume), Cara Ricketts (Twelfth Night, The Book of Negroes), Julian Richings (Supernatural, Man of Steel), Christian Serritiello (Catalina, Homeland), George Tchortov (Designated Survivor, Goon: Last of the Enforcers) and Adam Brown (The Hobbit trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales). The film is currently in production, shooting in Canada. Full Article here:

„Stanleyville“ Sets Cast


17. August 2018

Trailer for SUNSET

… and here comes a first, gorgeous trailer for Sunset (by Laszlo Nemes)!

Sunset will premiere in competition of the 75th Venice Int Filmfestival

2. August 2018

Interview by Jason Palmer, Entertainment Focus

Susanne Wuest has been a name you can trust for quite some time now. The popular actress has had an eclectic career, including some fantastic genre work in the horror/thriller Goodnight Mommy and The Cure for Wellness.

We chatted to Susanne about all things Iceman, the legacy of the true-life story surrounding the film and her career to date. [… read full interview here]

4. Juni 2018


Susanne is excited to join Amazon’s LORE for Season 2!

Susanne is set for a role on the upcoming second season of Amazon’s horror anthology series Lore, directed by Christoph Schrewe. Read full article here…

5. Mai 2018

Filming begins for „18% Gray“

Susanne is currently filming „18% Gray“ directed by Viktor Chouchkov.

Susanne dreht derzeit „18% Gray“ (Regie: Viktor Chouchkov). (mehr …)

7. Januar 2018

♥ ! „Schaufenster“ – diePresse

Thank you, for this beautiful editorial!

Interview by Daniel Kalt, photography by Yannick Schütte, Styling by Simon Winkelmüller… click here for the whole publication …

4. Dezember 2017

Fashion Awards 2017

Thank you so much for this truly magical night, Swarovski and the British Fashion Council. Special thanks to Iris van Herpen for this incredible gown…

19. Februar 2017

Coming out 2017 : )

Der Mann aus dem Eis /Iceman (Felix Randau)
Licht /Mademoiselle Paradis (Barbara Albert)
Zahltag (Hans Steinbichler)
Auf der anderen Seite… (Pepe Danquart)
Tatort Stau (Dietrich  Brüggemann)
Mein Bruder Robert (Philipp Groening)
A Cure For Wellness (Gore Verbinski)

30. September 2016

Gletschermann kommt ins Kino – Süddeutsche Zeitung

Wie bereitet man sich bitte auf die Rolle eines Steinzeitmenschen vor, der vor mehr als 5000 Jahren durch die Alpen zog? Und hat diese Rolle überhaupt Text? Fragen, die den deutschen Schauspieler Jürgen Vogel beschäftigen müssen…

Artikel hier… ! – Süddeutsche.de


30. September 2016

„Elisa“ flies to Reykjavik!!

„Elisa“, ein wunderschöner, unter der Regie von Kristina Shtubert entstandener, Kurzfilm wird seine Premiere am 4. Oktober in Reykjavik haben!!

Jeden Morgen entdeckt Elisas Mutter (Susanne Wuest) schlimme Kratzwunden an den Armen ihrer Tochter Elisa (Anastasia Triller). Aber alle erzieherischen Maßnahmen helfen nichts, Elisa behauptet, das wäre nicht sie gewesen…


„Elisa“, the beautiful short, directed by Kristina Shtubert will premiere at the the Reykjavik Int FF!!
Every night, nine year old Elisa (Anastasia Triller) scratches hersalf raw, driving her controlling and perfectionist mother (Susanne Wuest) insane. But Elisa claims it’s not her who’s causing these painful injuries…

24. April 2016

Drehbeginn LICHT

Susanne dreht derzeit den Kinofilm LICHT unter der Regie von Barbara Albert

Susanne is currently filming LICHT, a feature directed by Barbara Albert (mehr …)

9. April 2016

Thank you, Empire Magazine!

In Goodnight Mommy, Austrian actress Susanne Wuest goes through the wringer. After a divorce and an unspecified accident, the never-named ‘Mommy’ returns to her idyllic family lodge and her two young boys covered in bandages and seemingly different. What happens next would make even the most dysfunctional family unit take pause. We spoke to her about her makeup rigmarole, befriending child actors – and a cockroachnamed Matilda. (… full interview here… by John Nugent)

30. März 2016

Sendetermin ‚Soko Kitzbühel‘ – Amour Fou!

Am 12. April (ORF) /15. (ZDF) wird „Amour Fou“ die 200ste Folge Soko Kitzbühel ausgestrahlt!

April 12th (ORF) / 15th (ZDF) „Amour Fou“ will air, the 200st episode of crime series Soko Kitzbuhel! (mehr …)